Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today's Oxymoron: Government Work

As a reporter I work on tight deadlines. I know the importance of saying you are going to be somewhere at a certain time and then following through. So today, as I raced down to a federal courthouse hoping to get a copy of an indictment we had just learned about I was happy as could be when I found a parking spot at 4:50.
The very nice security guard pointed me in the direction of the clerks office where I would be able to get a copy of the papers I needed. But when I got to the office, it was already closed. Now realize that the heat index where I am was 105 degrees today and I had just run to the courthouse in a suit (minus the jacket) only to find that the clerks had punched out a little early for the day.
Whatever happened to hard work? Apparently my baby no longer takes the morning train from 9 to 5, but rather gets to the station around 9, strolls into the office around 10, takes a two hour lunch break, and then takes off a little early either because it's been a rough day or it's "summer hours". Are you kidding me?!?!? Last time I checked the country's unemployment rate was hovering around 10 percent. I am sure there are plenty of people on the unemployment line who would be willing to sit at a desk and make copies all the way through until 5 o'clock.
But maybe I'm moving too fast to post such a harsh critique. After all, it's not like I pay their salaries...o wait that's right, it's a government job, so I DO pay their salaries. I also work on holidays to pay those salaries, so they can have the day off to spend some time with their families. It doesn't make sense. Right now jobs are too valuable not to be giving that cliche 110 percent. Hell, I'd settle for 100 percent.

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