Thursday, August 12, 2010

Flying High

He's a hero. Stephen Slater, the famed Jet Blue flight attendant who cursed out a passenger, grabbed a beer, and slid out the emergency slide, might as well be Paul Bunyan. Let's be honest there's always been a time when we wanted to curse someone out who was being a jerk. How cool is that. I bet afterwards he went to the Max sat on a chair backwards and stole Kelly from Zack. O wait, it's not that Slater? Doesn't matter, this guy is cooler.

Slater now has songs written about him, fan clubs on facebook, and endless number of tweets. I can't wait to get my own "Slater is my homeboy" t-shirt. But this could have some very negative side effects. Now waitresses might spit in your food if your not polite, maybe your dentist will forget the Novocaine if your a jerk. Well you know what if you're a jerk, you deserve it. So let's take a little extra time to be nice to one another, heck Slater could have decked that passenger.

Check out The Ballad of Steven Slater. Explicit language warning. Ahhh **** it.

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