Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Team Player...Yeah Right

Today's video comes to us from Harry Shearer's Found Objects. This is what I do for a living, well sort of. You see as a reporter and anchor at a smaller television station I don't sit in a seat 10 minutes before the newscast while someone puts makeup on me. Usually I am running out to the set after finishing a story just before deadline. You see with everyone in newsrooms doing more and more to get the newscast on air, news directors say they're looking for team players. It makes you wonder how someone like Laura Ingraham gets her own show. As you can clearly see from this post she does a great job staying cool under pressure and is really a pleasure to work with.
Okay, so maybe I'm being a little sarcastic. But seriously, people already have a hard enough time trusting news organizations, so how are you supposed to trust someone like this? Obviously this is why the show was canceled. I especially like the production assistant, director, producer or whoever it was who posted the air check online so everyone could see how people really act. If you ever want to know what a news person is really like you should see what they do in the commercial breaks. For anyone getting ready to pursue a career in broadcast journalism, make sure you remember that it used to be a news TEAM.

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