Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Eye In The Sky

Whether it's a plane or a satellite, it seems we're being watched from above. According to the Associated Press, whether you're speeding on the highway or didn't get a permit for the new pool in your backyard, it seems law enforcement is using aerial photography to crack down. It's not always some special government satellite or law enforcement helicopter either. Towns are using programs like Google Earth to look at people's homes to make sure they are in compliance with small town ordinances. No longer do you have privacy in your own home.
Rather than a warrant to come into your home it seems all anyone needs is a computer, but where do we draw the line? How long before we can see through the walls and into the homes of others. Right now these pictures are days, weeks, sometimes months old. Before long, they could be streaming video seen in real time, so everyone will know if you took out your garbage on the right day at the right time. And if you didn't, well you can be sure a fine will follow.
It's not just here in the US either. Greece is using the program to search for people who have tried to cheat their taxes. By looking for home additions or swimming pools they seek out people who have underreported their taxable wealth. But in this "Enemy of the State" environment people will become weary of doing anything. No longer will anything be private. But with most people putting themselves out there on social websites they're also making it easier for those eyes to watch. So, maybe they don't really mind.

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