Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 1 Post 1

Don't worry, all my post titles won't be so creative. I am a reporter, and like most people I get those great ideas at random times. Sometimes there's a pen and paper around, sometimes there isn't. Either way I figure I should write them down and share them. If I can't make them into million dollar ideas maybe you can. So there! If that's not a reason to read a blog what is? Million dollar ideas, like chocolate covered bacon or a cat's adventure in New York City. Don't worry there will be plenty more of those throughout the blog. I promise to post regularly, discuss topics that are relevant to you, and hopefully share some pretty cool stuff. So thanks for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts and mention my blog. I figured I would share some of my work so you'd get an idea of who I am and what I do. The coolest 105 year old I've ever met!

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