Sunday, August 15, 2010

Let's Celebrate and Do Nothing

It's National Relaxation Day! It's my favorite holiday to celebrate. Relaxing is an important part of being productive so I try to celebrate this holiday as often as possible. Pretty much every weekend. The holiday started in England as Slacker Day, but because of all the negative PR I am sure we changed the name to relaxation day. See the fast paced nature of our world makes it difficult to take a few minutes out to just breathe.
For example I try to do yoga, but they always tell me to forget about everything else that is going on in my life while I am doing it. I can't do that. Between simple errands, like going to the grocery store and doing the dry cleaning, and major tasks like work and moving, my mind is constantly preoccupied by the the tasks. I am sure you know the feeling.
Believe it or not, I got so caught up in those tasks that I forgot it was National Relaxation Day. So talk about the stress I encountered this morning when I was trying to plan a day full of relaxing events. I thought I might stay home in the air conditioning and watch a couple of movies, but I didn't rent any and I don't have that fancy "on demand" stuff. Then I thought about just sitting on my porch swing and reading a book, but a big spider had already created a web there, apparently he did plan ahead for the day. I didn't want to clean it because, well, that's not very relaxing.
I decided I would write about the day and let everyone else know about it, I'll call it a public service! I never knew this relaxing stuff could be so tough. However you celebrate the day, I hope it is a relaxing one. And enjoy it, because after all, tomorrow is Monday.

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