Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hurricane Earl Heads To Town

Here in North Carolina, we have been blowing out the hurricane coverage (no pun intended). Earl is off the coast as a category 4 hurricane, but it should miss the southern part of the state. Still, as we always do, reporters will head to the beaches warning people at home not to go outside. I know I will find a couple of people on the beach taking pictures and watching the storm and I will likely interview one or two of them. Inevitably, I will ask them what they are doing out there. I cannot wait for someone to answer me with the same question. The fact of the matter is I would rather be in front of a green screen with a fan blowing on me and PA's spraying me with water than be out on the beach in Hurricane conditions.
These are the days that people will ridicule local news for. Sure everyone loves to see the pictures of the wind blowing and trees down, but no one really needs to see a reporter out there, do they? I mean we are supposed to be credible people telling you to stay at home because it is dangerous outside. Yet we are putting ourselves in that danger. It's the classic "do as I say, not as I do".
When the storm runs it course we will return to our regular news coverage. Viewers will immediately forget about the 12 hour shifts we've just had in the rain and think how glamorous it would be to work as a TV reporter. They'll think we make hundreds of thousands of dollars when in reality most start out making little more than minimum wage while others with more experience make a salary equivalent to most teachers.
But in the moment, when the wind is blowing and the adrenaline is flowing there are few places I'd rather be. So when you are down there at the beach taking those pictures be sure to say hi. Heck, it could be your 15 minutes of fame and I'll be happy to hear your thoughts.

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